What Does The V Taste Like – 45 Answers

What Does The V Taste Like – 45 Answers

The most asked question by Dungeons and Dragons players worldwide. 1. A Third Armpit – I guess that’s an acceptable answer. 2. A 9-volt battery – ouch, hopefully not. 3. Duck sauce – I’ve never had duck sauce, so I can’t say for...
You’re Not A Princess And You Don’t Deserve Better

You’re Not A Princess And You Don’t Deserve Better

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone’s feelings unintentionally.” – Oscar Wilde Close your eyes right now.  Imagine you’re at a coffee shop, or a bar and you’re listening to a woman talk to her friend about her ex who just dumped her.  As she’s...
Your Gym Selfies Are Horrible And So Are You

Your Gym Selfies Are Horrible And So Are You

“Honey, no offense, but sometimes I think I could shoot you and watch you kick.” – Raynomd Carver First off, fuck your selfie and the gym you claim. Nobody has any interest in your yoga classes and your progress before the Bahamas. We don’t care about clean...