Massive Fan Dump

Massive Fan Dump

Keep up the good work posting memes in the comments. If you saved a meme from our page and then posted it in the comments on that same meme, there is a pretty solid chance that you will not see your meme in one of the fan dumps. The featured image meme (my personal...
Conspiracy Theories In The Comments

Conspiracy Theories In The Comments

Well, we’ve seen quite a number of theories come out over the last 48 hours.  Some of the memes might be upsetting, so use your best judgment as to weather you think it’s too soon for you.  Since Tom Petty may or may not have died there are also some Tom...
Sesame Street Isn’t How I Remember It

Sesame Street Isn’t How I Remember It

If you haven’t seen these before, or you just brought in your kid to show them hilarious Sesame Street memes… these are not the memes you’re looking for.  These memes are very very dark and very very savage.  They are also jokes, so don’t take...
When You’re Spicy & Savage

When You’re Spicy & Savage

Does anyone remember the book Where The wild Things Are from when they were kids? I want to write an adult version of a book like that but for savage things. Maybe make it a coffee table book with some of the most offensive jokes and memes from all over the world. It...
The Tasteless Gentlemen Group IV

The Tasteless Gentlemen Group IV

So The Tasteless Gentlemen Group (private group) is very very active.  The Tasteless Nation (the older secret group) is back up and running, but you need to be invited by someone from the private group to the secret group.  The problem is that we can’t share...