A Big Savage Dump

A Big Savage Dump

What a time to be alive. In order to get offensive humor you used to have to wait until a comedian came to the local comedy club to perform. You also had to hope if was an offensive comedian. Now, the internet allows us to completely desensitize ourselves with...
Savage In July

Savage In July

Summer an be rough because the heat an really get to us. It causes us to make bad decisions as you can see in the spike in the murder rate. On top of that, it gets to be way too hot outside to be wearing condoms which means I’m going in raw and possibly making...
Savage And Spicy Dump

Savage And Spicy Dump

It’s a wild world out there right now. We have an orange orangutan as president fanboying over Putin. White women getting shot by the police. A female Dr. Who. Terrorist attacks. People waging war on news they don’t like. With all this chaos that’s...
Another Savage Dump

Another Savage Dump

This is the best way to end your day. A nice big savage dump that will give you your guilty but pleasurable laughs. Save them for tomorrow and send them to your coworkers. There’s nothing like wasting time at work by getting called into HR. I once got called in...
Be An Edgelord

Be An Edgelord

If you’re curious why the savage memes start on page 2, then you might enjoy this.  We were really excited to hear that our site had such excellent high quality content that the network we rely on to bring visitors to our site labeled us “disruptive” and “negative” –...