Extra Spicy Dump

Extra Spicy Dump

The weekend is here, and while I alternate my weekends at this age between complete debauchery and things like wine tasting, there’s one constant. That constant is there are always sick and disgusting things that are running through my head. It doesn’t...
A Big Steamy Dump

A Big Steamy Dump

How should I describe this big steaming dump? Let me give it a go. This steaming dump is like you’ve been on a 3 day bender drinking all the alcohol you could imagine and doing all of the cocaine you could possibly imagine. On top of that, at the end of every...
The Savage Collection

The Savage Collection

With the country and the whole world falling apart and the impending doom of civilization on the horizon, why not spend your time left here on earth laughing at all kinds of offensive humor? I mean, since life never works out for me as an individual, why would it work...
Another Savage Dump

Another Savage Dump

This is the best way to end your day. A nice big savage dump that will give you your guilty but pleasurable laughs. Save them for tomorrow and send them to your coworkers. There’s nothing like wasting time at work by getting called into HR. I once got called in...
Memes For Your Work Break

Memes For Your Work Break

I’m assuming it’s the time of the day where you’re making the best effort possible to pretend to work until the day is over. This is your perfect distraction from responsibility right here. Jut be sure to keep a spreadsheet or a word doc up on your...