Just remember, things could always be worse. Right now, all of Puerto Rico is without power. What does that mean for them? It means no Facebook. It means no Tasteless Gentlemen. That means now dankness, savagery or spicy memes. Right now they are stuck in the dark for the unforeseeable future. This is a real tragedy. I assume there are some with solar power and they are the few living like kings, but that isn’t enough to spread the love. So all of you should be thankful for your ability to access the savagery here at TTG since it could be a lot worse. The power could be out and you could be forced to actually interact with other people. I’m assuming that since you are reading this, you have already gone to the darkside and lost all ability to communicate with real live people which means you would be in a really bad place is you were in Puerto Rico. So, enjoy the dankness while you have it.
You don’t know how he feels about it. Let his robot voice speak for himself
Next thing you know, you’ll be jackin’ it in San Diego