Keep It Savage

Keep It Savage

Bad news is always good news when it comes to offensive comedy. Whenever it seems like the internet is running dry and there’s only recycled stuff out there, I hope that a celebrity does something really stupid. That’s really all we can count on these...
Spicy Fan Submits NSFFB

Spicy Fan Submits NSFFB

I have a feeling that one day, many years from now when we finally realize the stupidity of reporting things on the internet you don’t have to look at. I’ve never understood why somebody would report a joke they find offensive when all they have to do is...
Spooky Savage Dump

Spooky Savage Dump

I think October might be the most savage month of the year. Just think about it. When you were a kid, you went trick or treating and according to the news and your parents, you were risking razor blades and poison being in every single piece of candy you got. On top...
Too Savage For The Internet

Too Savage For The Internet

I have to be honest here. This doesn’t happen very often so I’m a little ashamed to admit it. I really do feel a little guilty about what I’m posting in this dump. Believe it or not, I do have a heart and some of these are incredibly vicious. Beyond...
Conspiracy Theories In The Comments

Conspiracy Theories In The Comments

Well, we’ve seen quite a number of theories come out over the last 48 hours.  Some of the memes might be upsetting, so use your best judgment as to weather you think it’s too soon for you.  Since Tom Petty may or may not have died there are also some Tom...