Everybody watches organized crime movie and thinks that they would be way better criminals than the career criminals in the movies. The truth is, if any of us went into a life of crime, we would end up more like the guys from Office Space than Tony Soprano. We would screw everything up and probably end up getting arrested on the first attempt at any sort of criminal activity. Just like these people who have managed to be arrested for some of the most embarrassing crimes or because they did something incredibly stupid to get themselves caught. So in honor of things people do in Florida, here’s some of the worst criminals who ever lived.
Somebody needs to tell em if this works. I need to know….for a friend.
If you’re looking for him, my guess is he is around the corner on the ground because he suffocated from the plastic bag.
I mean, because of Taco Tuesday, I feel like we’ve all been there before. I have sympathy for this guy
Man, I had no idea you could get somebody arrested for this. Could’ve saved me some serious trouble from some crazy stalkers.
The sad thing about doing something illegal that really shouldn’t be illegal is that you can’t call the cops when you need them. Somebody steals 5 grand worth of weed, too bad.
I always hated putting up decorations so if this guy broke into my home and did that for me, I’d leave him some milk and cookies for his effort. He’s the real Santa Clause
The real question is, why didn’t anybody help him find his beer? I need answers
Oh, your wife has this same necklace?
No, this is her necklace.