The Meme Buffet Is Open

The Meme Buffet Is Open

It’s important to arm yourself with a meme for every possible situation. This is ideal so you can express yourself through other people’s words without ever actually having to use your own. This will help as you build up barriers and walls to keep people...
Savage Fan Submissions

Savage Fan Submissions

One unfortunate truth about Facebook is that what we post to the fan page will undoubtedly get reported regardless of what we post and things which don’t even violate the terms of service could potentially be removed. Even worse, is the fact that what is posted...
Savage In July

Savage In July

Summer an be rough because the heat an really get to us. It causes us to make bad decisions as you can see in the spike in the murder rate. On top of that, it gets to be way too hot outside to be wearing condoms which means I’m going in raw and possibly making...
Savagery From The Comments

Savagery From The Comments

As you all know, one of the great things on the internet is the comments section o The Tasteless Gentlemen. Just like have been banned or put on timeout by the Facebook Gods, most of you posting in the comments have experienced the same. So I just wanted to take this...
Large Dose Of Savage

Large Dose Of Savage

I’m talking about all the way to the top, yeah. I’m justifiably in a position that I’d rather not be in. But the cream will rise to the top, ooh yeah. Macho Madness, yeah has got more to offer than President Jack Tunney thinks that I got yeah and let...