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People really do ask weird questions when it comes to showering. I’ve had multiple people ask me if I wash my beard when I shower. What do they actually think? Do they really think I wash every part of my body besides my beard? I once had an ex, who I had showered with multiple times, ask me if I use shampoo to wash my chest hair or if I use shampoo. It’s not that difficult people. Soap is soap and I use body soap, face wash, shampoo, and conditioner just like every other human being. Well, there are some who just don’t shower or clean themselves enough. You can smell these people from across the room. So if I smell good or you can’t smell me from across the room, odds are I shower and clean my self just like most people in this world. If you’re curious how others shower all over the world, here are your answers.

No doot aboot it


Nothing wrong with a little snack in the shower

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