There is no faking this. I’m sure you’ve ended up in some horribly awkward conversation with a person similar to those on this post. It always happens when you’re least expecting it. It’s your girlfriend’s weird brother you’re stuck with while she’s in the bathroom. It’s the guy behind you in line at the coffee shop. It’s the weird cousin that has to go to your friend’s bachelor party in Vegas ruining everyone’s game. They always show up at the worst possible moment to get you stuck in some boring conversation about anime or computers and gaming, things you only know very basic information about, or no information at all and they act like you know what they’re talking about. As I got older, I learned one very important life lesson, they are probably autistic, and you need to just tell them right away, I have no idea what you’re talking about, so I gotta go. The end. Never to deal with them again….hopefully.
“Lady luck” lolololololol
What the hell is this guy talking about?